Thursday, July 12, 2012

Make sure you get the FREE stuff!

I know I posted a few days ago about the Clutter Free Classroom's daily flash freebies for the month of July & August.  If you missed it-I want to make sure you know about all of the awesome goodness going on over on her blog!  EVERY DAY in July & August, she is sharing a tip of how to organize your classroom AND giving away a FREEBIE she designed to help with the orgainzational process.

Let me tell you that these are AWESOME!  I've pretty much downloaded everything she's shared! The only catch is that they are only free for ONE DAY.  You have to visit her blog every day to see what new goodness she is sharing.  Otherwise you will have to purchase the items from her Teachers Pay Teachers Store... which is still not a bad deal for what she has created.  But I want you to get them for free too!  Make sure you visit her blog every day!  The link is below! :)


Happy landings,